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Web Components

Rvx supports using web components just like any other native element.

<some-web-component />

To implement a web component, you can extend the RvxElement class which takes care of creating a shadow root and renders content when the element is connected to the document:

import { RvxElement } from "rvx/element";

class ExampleComponent extends RvxElement {
    render() {
        return <h1>Hello World!</h1>;

customElements.define("example-component", ExampleComponent);
import { RvxElement, e } from "./rvx.js";

class ExampleComponent extends RvxElement {
    render() {
        return e("h1").append("Hello World!");

customElements.define("example-component", ExampleComponent);

Reflecting Attributes

The reflect function can be used to get a signal that reflects an attribute value.

import { RvxElement } from "rvx/element";

class ExampleCounter extends RvxElement {
    // Allow this component to detect changes to the "count" attribute:
    static observedAttributes = ["count"];

    // Create a signal that reflects the "count" attribute:
    #count = this.reflect("count");

    render() {
        return <button on:click={() => {
            const newCount = Number(this.#count) + 1;

            // Updating the signal will also update the "count" attribute:
            this.#count.value = newCount;

            // Dispatch an event to notify users of your web component:
            this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("count-changed", { detail: newCount }));
            Clicked {this.#count} times!

    // Optionally, you can implement property accessors:
    get count() {
        return Number(this.#count.value);
    set count(value: number) {
        this.#count.value = String(value);

customElements.define("example-counter", ExampleCounter);
import { RvxElement, e } from "./rvx.js";

class ExampleCounter extends RvxElement {
    // Allow this component to detect changes to the "count" attribute:
    static observedAttributes = ["count"];

    // Create a signal that reflects the "count" attribute:
    #count = this.reflect("count");

    render() {
        return e("button")
            .on("click", () => {
                const newCount = Number(this.#count) + 1;

                // Updating the signal will also update the "count" attribute:
                this.#count.value = newCount;

                // Dispatch an event to notify users of your web component:
                this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("count-changed", { detail: newCount }));
                "Clicked ", this.#count, " times!"

    // Optionally, you can implement property accessors:
    get count() {
        return Number(this.#count.value);
    set count(value: number) {
        this.#count.value = String(value);

customElements.define("example-counter", ExampleCounter);

Manual Implementation

Due to it's simple lifecycle system, you can also implement web components manually:

import { mount, capture, teardown, TeardownHook } from "rvx";

class ExampleComponent extends HTMLElement {
    #dispose?: TeardownHook;

    constructor() {
        this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });

    connectedCallback() {
        this.#dispose = capture(() => {
            // Create and append content to the shadow root:
            const view = mount(
                <h1>Hello World!</h1>,

            // Remove content from the shadow root when disposed:
            teardown(() => view.detach());

    disconnectedCallback() {
        // Run teardown hooks:
        this.#dispose = undefined;
import { mount, capture, teardown, TeardownHook, e } from "./rvx.js";

class ExampleComponent extends HTMLElement {
    #dispose?: TeardownHook;

    constructor() {
        this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });

    connectedCallback() {
        this.#dispose = capture(() => {
            // Create and append content to the shadow root:
            const view = mount(
                e("h1").append("Hello World!"),

            // Remove content from the shadow root when disposed:
            teardown(() => view.detach());

    disconnectedCallback() {
        // Run teardown hooks:
        this.#dispose = undefined;