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Signal Conversion

When building user inputs, signals are the best way to pass data in and out of your components.

This example shows a "trim" function that derives a signal to automatically trim user input.

import { Signal, sig, watchUpdates } from "rvx";

function trim(source: Signal<string>) {
    const input = sig(source.value);

    // Trim and write into the source signal:
    watchUpdates(input, value => {
        source.value = value.trim();

    // Write into the input when the trimmed version is different:
    watchUpdates(source, value => {
        if (input.value.trim() !== value) {
            input.value = value;

    return input;

export function Example() {
    const text = sig("Hello World!");
    return <div class="column">
        <div class="row">
            <TextInput value={text.pipe(trim)} />
            <button on:click={() => { text.value = "Hello World!" }}>Reset</button>
            You typed: <b>{() => JSON.stringify(text.value)}</b>

function TextInput(props: {
    value: Signal<string>;
}) {
    return <input
        on:input={event => {
            props.value.value = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;