Render To String (Manual)
This example shows how to manually render a component to HTML using the browser's DOM implementation.
import { Component, Inject, capture } from "rvx";
import { ASYNC, Async, AsyncContext } from "rvx/async";
async function renderToStringAsync(component: Component): Promise<string> {
// Create context for tracking "<Async>" parts:
const context = new AsyncContext();
let host!: Element;
const dispose = capture(() => {
// Create a host element to render the component into:
host = <div>
<Inject context={ASYNC} value={context}>
</div> as Element;
try {
// Wait for all "<Async>" parts to complete:
await context.complete();
// Capture the current HTML:
return host.innerHTML;
} finally {
// Dispose any resources:
export function Example() {
const promise = renderToStringAsync(() => <>
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
{/* The "renderToString" function will wait for this part: */}
<Async source={new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000))}>
{() => <>This has been rendered asynchronously.</>}
return <Async source={promise} pending={() => <>Rendering...</>}>
{html => <pre><code>{html}</code></pre>}