Integrating i18next
This shows a minimal i18next integration.
import i18next from "i18next";
import { $ } from "rvx";
await i18next.init({
lng: "en",
resources: {
en: {
translation: {
message: "Hello World!",
de: {
translation: {
message: "Hallo Welt!",
// Create a signal for notifying translation expressions:
const lang = $(i18next.language);
// Notify the "lang" signal when anything that could
// affect the result of the ".t" function changes:
i18next.on("languageChanged", () => {
lang.value = i18next.language;
// Example function for reactive translation:
function t(key: string) {
// The actual value of the "lang" signal isn't important here.
// This just ensures, that this function can be re-run when
// the language has been changed:
return i18next.t(key);
// Example component for reactive translation:
function T(props: { key: string }) {
return () => {
return i18next.t(props.key);
export function Example() {
return <>
<h1>{() => t("message")}</h1>
<h1><T key="message" /></h1>
<div class="row">
<button on:click={() => i18next.changeLanguage("en")}>en</button>
<button on:click={() => i18next.changeLanguage("de")}>de</button>