Custom View
This example shows a custom view that rotates the order of it's logical children when a signal is updated.
You can toggle the visibility of the entire view or one of it's children to demonstrate boundary tracking.
import { $, Attach, View, render } from "rvx";
import { Emitter, Event } from "rvx/event";
export function Example() {
const rotate = new Emitter<[]>();
const allVisible = $(true);
const innerVisible = $(true);
return <div class="column">
<div class="row">
<button on:click={() => { rotate.emit() }}>Rotate Order</button>
<button on:click={() => allVisible.value = !allVisible.value}>Toggle Outer Visibility</button>
<button on:click={() => innerVisible.value = !innerVisible.value}>Toggle Inner Visibility</button>
<Attach when={allVisible}>
<RotateOrder on={rotate.event}>
<input type="text" value="A" />
<input type="text" value="BB" />
{/* This "Attach" view is treated as a single child: */}
<Attach when={innerVisible}>
<input type="text" value="CC1" />
<input type="text" value="CC2" />
function RotateOrder(props: {
children?: unknown;
on: Event<[]>;
}) {
// Get a flat array of all children of this component:
const children = [props.children].flat(Infinity);
// Skip creating an actual view if there is only zero or one child:
if (children.length < 2) {
return children[0];
// Create a new view instance that can
// be directly used as content in rvx:
// (See the "View" constructor docs for the exact
// requirements of a custom view implementation.)
return new View((setBoundary, self) => {
// Create a child view for each child using the "render" function:
const views =;
// Create an initial parent node:
const parent = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Views need to keep track of their first and last nodes.
for (const view of views) {
// Keep track of child view boundary updates to
// update this view's boundary:
view.setBoundaryOwner((first, last) => {
// Update the first node of the current view if
// this child view is currently the first one:
if (view === views[0]) {
setBoundary(first, undefined);
// Update the last node of the current view if
// this child view is currently the last one:
if (view === views[views.length - 1]) {
setBoundary(undefined, last);
// Set the initial boundary:
setBoundary(parent.firstChild!, parent.lastChild!);
// Handle rotation events:
props.on(() => {
const parent = self.parent;
if (parent) {
// Rotate the order in the view array and DOM nodes:
const view = views.pop()!;
view.insertBefore(parent, views[0].first);
// Notify the custom view that our boundary has changed:
setBoundary(view.first, views[views.length - 1].last);
// If the parent doesn't exist, we can assume that there
// is at most one node. Rotating the child nodes can be
// skipped in this case.